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UPDATE: Nebroo Hearing Aids SELLING OUT faster than expected! Lock in your order NOW to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to the US

UPDATE: Nebroo Hearing Aids SELLING OUT faster than expected! Lock in your order NOW to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to the US

Home > Hearing Loss > Root Cause

Why Did I Lose My Hearing and What Can I Do?

You want to know why your hearing has become so much worse over the last few years and what your options are. This article will explain the science of hearing loss and what you can do about it.

2,841 Ratings

By Devon Randall

November 27, 2024

You’ve already noticed that your poor hearing is making your life much more difficult.

And these are some of the most common ways it’s impacting your life: 

- You’re more stressed 

- You stay home more than you used to 

- You get frustrated or angry more easily 

- You feel lonely and isolated

- You watch all TV and online videos with captions

We know this because hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions that exists. Most people will lose some hearing as they age.

If it’s so common and creates so many problems, why haven’t we cured it?

In the last 20-30 years, we have found treatments for so many medical conditions.

Cancer survival rates are way up. 

We can get almost perfect eyesight with a simple laser surgery. 

There are scientists in the University of Washington who are working on regrowing enamel to restore our teeth. 

It’s truly amazing what we are able to do now. 

But not with hearing loss. It seems like when you lose your hearing, they just tell you “Sorry, it’s just part of getting old”. 

Are we really going to have a world in 10-20 years where seniors are walking around at 70 and 80 with perfect vision and perfect teeth but they still can’t hear?

First, you need to understand how your ears work.

The reason hearing loss is so difficult to cure is because of the way that your ears work. 

Sound travels into your ear canal as vibrations in the air. 

Those vibrations hit your eardrum, that’s like a sheet of skin, and it’s converted into movements in a series of tiny bones. 

These bones amplify the vibrations and send them into the cochlea, which is a hollow, spiral bone filled with fluid. 

So, to put it simply, your ear takes vibrations in the air and converts them into waves of fluid inside your cochlea. 

Then the final stage is that the walls of the cochlea are covered in hair cells with tiny filaments called stereocilia. 

As these stereocilia move around in the waves of fluid, that is converted into electrical signals that are sent to your brain to be processed as sound information.

So why do we lose hearing as we age?

The stereocilia are responsible for converting the sound into brain signals. And over time, these tiny filaments break and become damaged. 

But here’s the problem; they don’t regrow.

Unlike most other cells, they are not genetically programmed to regrow. 

So you just have less and less stereocilia over time which means your brain is getting less and less information. 

That’s why you lose your hearing as you get older. 

For some people, they lose less stereocilia so they are still able to hear fine. But for others, they lose more and they notice that they have hearing loss. That’s what has happened to you. 

This is mostly down to genetics but you can also do more damage to your ear through exposure to loud noises, as well as some drugs and toxins.

Why can’t we just make the stereocilia regrow?

One day, we will probably find a way to do this. 

There was some promising research in Harvard Medical School in 2023 that showed that they could use a very specific cocktail of drugs to make some ear cells divide and regenerate in mice. This is called gene therapy. 

But even though this is an exciting development, it’s much too early to know what this will lead to, or if it will even be possible to do the same for humans. 

So, it’s likely that any treatment like this is still decades away. It’s very unlikely to happen in our lifetime.

Using so-called “gene therapy” also needs years and years of careful testing to make sure that it’s safe.

Okay, so what about creating artificial stereocilia and implanting them?

The problem with any surgical solution is that everything happens inside the cochlea. 

And because the cochlea is a closed system, inside a very fine, hollow bone, you can see why it’s so difficult to implant anything inside it. 

Right now, any surgery is just going to damage the cochlea even further, instead of improving things. 

And just in case you think “But what about cochlear implants?” - These are called this because they connect to the cochlear nerve so they send messages directly to the brain. Nothing is implanted in the cochlea itself.

If there is no cure for hearing loss, what should I do?

We can’t cure the root cause of your hearing loss but we CAN treat the symptoms.

And it’s very important to treat these symptoms. 

Living with hearing loss is hard.

It makes communication difficult but it also makes you much more stressed, anxious and lonely. 

And all of these problems get worse over time. 

As the months and years go by, your friends and family will also start to subconsciously exclude you more and more, because communication has become so difficult.

So what are my options?

You really have 3 options: 

Option 1. Do Nothing

This is a very bad idea. You will throw away the end of your life as you withdraw from the world more and more.  

Option 2. Get a Prescription Hearing Aid From A Doctor

The biggest problem here is price. The average cost of a hearing aid is $4672. 

You will also have to pay all of the costs of doctors and audiologists on top of this. 

This is the main reason why almost 25 million Americans are currently living with untreated hearing loss

Option 3. Solve The Problem Yourself

There is now one, affordable solution to get clear hearing without needing a doctor. 

It’s called a Nebroo hearing aid?

What is a Nebroo hearing aid?

This is a small device that you place in your ear canal. 

Everything is contained in the device so there is no large case sitting behind your ear and this makes it almost invisible to the people you’re talking to. 

The Nebroo processes the sounds around you, improving the sound quality, before sending it down your ear canal. 

Even though you have lost many of your stereocilia, there are still many that are working normally. 

But a hearing aid must do more than just increase the volume of the sound around you.

How does Nebroo make it so easy to hear people talk?

The Nebroo contains a cutting edge microchip called Vox Humana.

It was designed and programmed so it does not just amplify, but improve the clarity of human speech.

This means that conversation become clear and stress-free

This helps you hear people speaking even with noise in the background

The Vox Humana chip enables you to become part of the conversation again.

So how much does it cost? 

This is the most impressive part of the Nebroo hearing aid. 

It was actually designed to be a high quality solution that every American could afford.

And by selling directly to you, so there are no middlemen taking a cut, Nebroo was able to slash the full retail cost to just $200

But that’s not what you have to pay. 

Right now there is a way to get the Nebroo for even less.

How do I purchase the Nebroo for under $100?

For the people on this page, there is a 50% sale running on the Nebroo right now 

If you try to buy from the homepage, the price is $200 so it’s important you only purchase by using the green buttons below. 

This 50% discount will bring the price you pay today to under $100.

Sarah Moore

“Incredible value”

Reviewed from Alabama on March 17, 2024

Verified Purchase

The wife spent about a year trying to get me to go to a doctor to fix my hearing as I was struggling with it, but I kept putting it off. I bought these Nebroo and didn’t think I’d use them that much but I have them in all day now and I forget they’re in there now. Honestly I feel like I wasted a year with bad hearing when I basically fixed it with $99. So guys (because I know this is what men do) I was an idiot for waiting, just fix it.

Bobby Sullivan

“I was an idiot for waiting”

Reviewed from New Jersey on June 22, 2024

Verified Purchase

The wife spent about a year trying to get me to go to a doctor to fix my hearing as I was struggling with it, but I kept putting it off. I bought these Nebroo and didn’t think I’d use them that much but I have them in all day now and I forget they’re in there now. Honestly I feel like I wasted a year with bad hearing when I basically fixed it with $99. So guys (because I know this is what men do) I was an idiot for waiting, just fix it.

Dan Lopez

“A friend of mine recommended it to me”

Reviewed from Colorado on August 14, 2024

Verified Purchase

A friend of mine told me about these nebroo, I have been struggling with hearing loss for over a decade, but never really did anything about it. But he was so happy with them that I had to try myself. Well, now it's been 3 months since I wear them everyday and I am very satisfied with them. Thank you, great product.

Nebroo are almost invisible when you wear them

The sleek design and color tone of the Nebroo make them very discrete.

We don’t think anyone should be embarrassed to wear a hearing aid but it also helps to not draw attention to it so you can just be yourself.

So just place them in your ear and go about your day.

They have a 20 hour battery life on each charge so no matter what your plans are, your Nebroo will let you do what you want and never think about your hearing loss .

Choose the perfect size for your ear

Every Nebroo comes with 8 pairs of silicon ear domes .

These domes attach easily to the tip of the hearing aid and allow you to find the perfect fit for your ear.

You can test different sizes to find the maximum level of comfort and sound quality.

  • Comfort all day
  • Fits even small ears
  • Won’t fall out

How do you order Nebroo with a 50% discount?

Because there are 28.8 million Americans with untreated hearing loss, Nebroo are trying to make this affordable for literally everyone.

So even though the retail price of the product is $200 , which is extremely cheap compared to the industry average of $4672, they wanted to do more.

Anyone who buys today through the link on this page can get a 50% discount, bringing the price to under $100

You won’t ever see a cheaper price for the Nebroo hearing aid,


We don’t think you’ll ever see a cheaper price for any hearing aid in the USA, that’s how good this deal is. 

You Have 120 Days to Test the Product, Completely Risk-Free!

A great product comes with great trust.

So you have a full 120 days to use the Nebroo in your everyday life and see just how much it improves your communication, your social life and your brain sharpness.

And if you’re not happy then you can send it back for a full refund at any point within those 120 days, no arguments or delays.

And to protect you even further…

Nebroo will give every purchase a FREE 1 YEAR WARRANTY

That means if you love your Nebroo and keep them after the 120 period, then you can get a free replacement if there is any damage or malfunction within the first year, at zero extra cost.

So this really is a RISK FREE OFFER

What to do next?

All you need to do it click the green button that says “GET 50% OFF Nebroo”

You’ll come to an order page where you can learn more about our hearing aid.

And then you can place your order and tell us where to ship your Nebroo.

Our customer service team are available 24/7 to help you with your order or to answer any questions. 

GET 50% OFF Nebroo Hearing Aids Now!

Remember why this matters

Fixing your hearing loss is much more important than just helping you hear

  1. It improves your relationships
  2. It stops you becoming isolated
  3. It helps your whole family
  4. It lets you do what you want without stress and anxiety

And now with such an affordable solution, with a completely risk free 120 guarantee, there is no reason not to try it.

Click the big green button to order your Nebroo with a 50% discount today.

GET 50% OFF Nebroo Hearing Aids Now!

Finally Get Your 

Hearing Back

➩ GET 50% OFF Nebroo NOW!

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Home > Hearing Loss > Root Cause

Why Did I Lose My Hearing and What Can I Do?

You want to know why your hearing has become so much worse over the last few years and what your options are. This article will explain the science of hearing loss and what you can do about it.

2,841 Ratings

By Devon Randall

November 27, 2024

You’ve already noticed that your poor hearing is making your life much more difficult.

And these are some of the most common ways it’s impacting your life: 

- You’re more stressed 

- You stay home more than you used to 

- You get frustrated or angry more easily 

- You feel lonely and isolated

- You watch all TV and online videos with captions

We know this because hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions that exists. Most people will lose some hearing as they age.

If it’s so common and creates so many problems, why haven’t we cured it?

In the last 20-30 years, we have found treatments for so many medical conditions.

Cancer survival rates are way up. 

We can get almost perfect eyesight with a simple laser surgery. 

There are scientists in the University of Washington who are working on regrowing enamel to restore our teeth. 

It’s truly amazing what we are able to do now. 

But not with hearing loss. It seems like when you lose your hearing, they just tell you “Sorry, it’s just part of getting old”. 

Are we really going to have a world in 10-20 years where seniors are walking around at 70 and 80 with perfect vision and perfect teeth but they still can’t hear?

First, you need to understand how your ears work.

The reason hearing loss is so difficult to cure is because of the way that your ears work. 

Sound travels into your ear canal as vibrations in the air. 

Those vibrations hit your eardrum, that’s like a sheet of skin, and it’s converted into movements in a series of tiny bones. 

These bones amplify the vibrations and send them into the cochlea, which is a hollow, spiral bone filled with fluid. 

So, to put it simply, your ear takes vibrations in the air and converts them into waves of fluid inside your cochlea. 

Then the final stage is that the walls of the cochlea are covered in hair cells with tiny filaments called stereocilia. 

As these stereocilia move around in the waves of fluid, that is converted into electrical signals that are sent to your brain to be processed as sound information.

So why do we lose hearing as we age?

The stereocilia are responsible for converting the sound into brain signals. And over time, these tiny filaments break and become damaged. 

But here’s the problem; they don’t regrow.

Unlike most other cells, they are not genetically programmed to regrow. 

So you just have less and less stereocilia over time which means your brain is getting less and less information. 

That’s why you lose your hearing as you get older. 

For some people, they lose less stereocilia so they are still able to hear fine. But for others, they lose more and they notice that they have hearing loss. That’s what has happened to you. 

This is mostly down to genetics but you can also do more damage to your ear through exposure to loud noises, as well as some drugs and toxins.

Why can’t we just make the stereocilia regrow?

One day, we will probably find a way to do this. 

There was some promising research in Harvard Medical School in 2023 that showed that they could use a very specific cocktail of drugs to make some ear cells divide and regenerate in mice. This is called gene therapy. 

But even though this is an exciting development, it’s much too early to know what this will lead to, or if it will even be possible to do the same for humans. 

So, it’s likely that any treatment like this is still decades away. It’s very unlikely to happen in our lifetime.

Using so-called “gene therapy” also needs years and years of careful testing to make sure that it’s safe.

Okay, so what about creating artificial stereocilia and implanting them?

The problem with any surgical solution is that everything happens inside the cochlea. 

And because the cochlea is a closed system, inside a very fine, hollow bone, you can see why it’s so difficult to implant anything inside it. 

Right now, any surgery is just going to damage the cochlea even further, instead of improving things. 

And just in case you think “But what about cochlear implants?” - These are called this because they connect to the cochlear nerve so they send messages directly to the brain. Nothing is implanted in the cochlea itself.

If there is no cure for hearing loss, what should I do?

We can’t cure the root cause of your hearing loss but we CAN treat the symptoms.

And it’s very important to treat these symptoms. 

Living with hearing loss is hard.

It makes communication difficult but it also makes you much more stressed, anxious and lonely. 

And all of these problems get worse over time. 

As the months and years go by, your friends and family will also start to subconsciously exclude you more and more, because communication has become so difficult.

So what are my options?

You really have 3 options: 

Option 1. Do Nothing

This is a very bad idea. You will throw away the end of your life as you withdraw from the world more and more.  

Option 2. Get a Prescription Hearing Aid From A Doctor

The biggest problem here is price. The average cost of a hearing aid is $4672. 

You will also have to pay all of the costs of doctors and audiologists on top of this. 

This is the main reason why almost 25 million Americans are currently living with untreated hearing loss

Option 3. Solve The Problem Yourself

There is now one, affordable solution to get clear hearing without needing a doctor. 

It’s called a Nebroo hearing aid?

What is a Nebroo hearing aid?

This is a small device that you place in your ear canal. 

Everything is contained in the device so there is no large case sitting behind your ear and this makes it almost invisible to the people you’re talking to. 

The Nebroo processes the sounds around you, improving the sound quality, before sending it down your ear canal. 

Even though you have lost many of your stereocilia, there are still many that are working normally. 

But a hearing aid must do more than just increase the volume of the sound around you.

How does Nebroo make it so easy to hear people talk?

The Nebroo contains a cutting edge microchip called Vox Humana.

It was designed and programmed so it does not just amplify, but improve the clarity of human speech.

This means that conversation become clear and stress-free

This helps you hear people speaking even with noise in the background

The Vox Humana chip enables you to become part of the conversation again.

So how much does it cost? 

This is the most impressive part of the Nebroo hearing aid. 

It was actually designed to be a high quality solution that every American could afford.

And by selling directly to you, so there are no middlemen taking a cut, Nebroo was able to slash the full retail cost to just $200

But that’s not what you have to pay. 

Right now there is a way to get the Nebroo for even less.

How do I purchase the Nebroo for under $100?

For the people on this page, there is a 50% sale running on the Nebroo right now 

If you try to buy from the homepage, the price is $200 so it’s important you only purchase by using the green buttons below. 

This 50% discount will bring the price you pay today to under $100.

Sarah Moore

“Incredible value”

Reviewed from Alabama on March 17, 2024

Verified Purchase

The wife spent about a year trying to get me to go to a doctor to fix my hearing as I was struggling with it, but I kept putting it off. I bought these Nebroo and didn’t think I’d use them that much but I have them in all day now and I forget they’re in there now. Honestly I feel like I wasted a year with bad hearing when I basically fixed it with $99. So guys (because I know this is what men do) I was an idiot for waiting, just fix it.

Bobby Sullivan

“I was an idiot for waiting”

Reviewed from New Jersey on June 22, 2024

Verified Purchase

The wife spent about a year trying to get me to go to a doctor to fix my hearing as I was struggling with it, but I kept putting it off. I bought these Nebroo and didn’t think I’d use them that much but I have them in all day now and I forget they’re in there now. Honestly I feel like I wasted a year with bad hearing when I basically fixed it with $99. So guys (because I know this is what men do) I was an idiot for waiting, just fix it.

Dan Lopez

“A friend of mine recommended it to me”

Reviewed from Colorado on August 14, 2024

Verified Purchase

A friend of mine told me about these nebroo, I have been struggling with hearing loss for over a decade, but never really did anything about it. But he was so happy with them that I had to try myself. Well, now it's been 3 months since I wear them everyday and I am very satisfied with them. Thank you, great product.

Nebroo are almost invisible when you wear them

The sleek design and color tone of the Nebroo make them very discrete.

We don’t think anyone should be embarrassed to wear a hearing aid but it also helps to not draw attention to it so you can just be yourself.

So just place them in your ear and go about your day.

They have a 20 hour battery life on each charge so no matter what your plans are, your Nebroo will let you do what you want and never think about your hearing loss .

Choose the perfect size for your ear

Every Nebroo comes with 8 pairs of silicon ear domes .

These domes attach easily to the tip of the hearing aid and allow you to find the perfect fit for your ear.

You can test different sizes to find the maximum level of comfort and sound quality.

  • Comfort all day
  • Fits even small ears
  • Won’t fall out

How do you order Nebroo with a 50% discount?

Because there are 28.8 million Americans with untreated hearing loss, Nebroo are trying to make this affordable for literally everyone.

So even though the retail price of the product is $200 , which is extremely cheap compared to the industry average of $4672, they wanted to do more.

Anyone who buys today through the link on this page can get a 50% discount, bringing the price to under $100

You won’t ever see a cheaper price for the Nebroo hearing aid,


We don’t think you’ll ever see a cheaper price for any hearing aid in the USA, that’s how good this deal is. 

You Have 120 Days to Test the Product, Completely Risk-Free!

A great product comes with great trust.

So you have a full 120 days to use the Nebroo in your everyday life and see just how much it improves your communication, your social life and your brain sharpness.

And if you’re not happy then you can send it back for a full refund at any point within those 120 days, no arguments or delays.

And to protect you even further…

Nebroo will give every purchase a FREE 1 YEAR WARRANTY

That means if you love your Nebroo and keep them after the 120 period, then you can get a free replacement if there is any damage or malfunction within the first year, at zero extra cost.

So this really is a RISK FREE OFFER

What to do next?

All you need to do it click the green button that says “GET 50% OFF Nebroo”

You’ll come to an order page where you can learn more about our hearing aid.

And then you can place your order and tell us where to ship your Nebroo.

Our customer service team are available 24/7 to help you with your order or to answer any questions. 

GET 50% OFF Nebroo Hearing Aids Now!

Remember why this matters

Fixing your hearing loss is much more important than just helping you hear

  1. It improves your relationships
  2. It stops you becoming isolated
  3. It helps your whole family
  4. It lets you do what you want without stress and anxiety

And now with such an affordable solution, with a completely risk free 120 guarantee, there is no reason not to try it.

Click the big green button to order your Nebroo with a 50% discount today.

GET 50% OFF Nebroo Hearing Aids Now!

UPDATE: Nebroo Hearing Aids SELLING OUT faster than expected! Lock in your order NOW to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to the US

UPDATE: Nebroo Hearing Aids SELLING OUT faster than expected! Lock in your order NOW to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to the US

Home > Hearing Loss > Root Cause

Why Did I Lose My Hearing and What Can I Do?

You want to know why your hearing has become so much worse over the last few years and what your options are. This article will explain the science of hearing loss and what you can do about it.

2,841 Ratings

By Devon Randall

November 27, 2024

You’ve already noticed that your poor hearing is making your life much more difficult.

And these are some of the most common ways it’s impacting your life: 

- You’re more stressed 

- You stay home more than you used to 

- You get frustrated or angry more easily 

- You feel lonely and isolated

- You watch all TV and online videos with captions

We know this because hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions that exists. Most people will lose some hearing as they age.

If it’s so common and creates so many problems, why haven’t we cured it?

In the last 20-30 years, we have found treatments for so many medical conditions.

Cancer survival rates are way up. 

We can get almost perfect eyesight with a simple laser surgery. 

There are scientists in the University of Washington who are working on regrowing enamel to restore our teeth. 

It’s truly amazing what we are able to do now. 

But not with hearing loss. It seems like when you lose your hearing, they just tell you “Sorry, it’s just part of getting old”. 

Are we really going to have a world in 10-20 years where seniors are walking around at 70 and 80 with perfect vision and perfect teeth but they still can’t hear?

First, you need to understand how your ears work.

The reason hearing loss is so difficult to cure is because of the way that your ears work. 

Sound travels into your ear canal as vibrations in the air. 

Those vibrations hit your eardrum, that’s like a sheet of skin, and it’s converted into movements in a series of tiny bones. 

These bones amplify the vibrations and send them into the cochlea, which is a hollow, spiral bone filled with fluid. 

So, to put it simply, your ear takes vibrations in the air and converts them into waves of fluid inside your cochlea. 

Then the final stage is that the walls of the cochlea are covered in hair cells with tiny filaments called stereocilia. 

As these stereocilia move around in the waves of fluid, that is converted into electrical signals that are sent to your brain to be processed as sound information.

So why do we lose hearing as we age?

The stereocilia are responsible for converting the sound into brain signals. And over time, these tiny filaments break and become damaged. 

But here’s the problem; they don’t regrow.

Unlike most other cells, they are not genetically programmed to regrow. 

So you just have less and less stereocilia over time which means your brain is getting less and less information. 

That’s why you lose your hearing as you get older. 

For some people, they lose less stereocilia so they are still able to hear fine. But for others, they lose more and they notice that they have hearing loss. That’s what has happened to you. 

This is mostly down to genetics but you can also do more damage to your ear through exposure to loud noises, as well as some drugs and toxins.

Why can’t we just make the stereocilia regrow?

One day, we will probably find a way to do this. 

There was some promising research in Harvard Medical School in 2023 that showed that they could use a very specific cocktail of drugs to make some ear cells divide and regenerate in mice. This is called gene therapy. 

But even though this is an exciting development, it’s much too early to know what this will lead to, or if it will even be possible to do the same for humans. 

So, it’s likely that any treatment like this is still decades away. It’s very unlikely to happen in our lifetime.

Using so-called “gene therapy” also needs years and years of careful testing to make sure that it’s safe.

Okay, so what about creating artificial stereocilia and implanting them?

The problem with any surgical solution is that everything happens inside the cochlea. 

And because the cochlea is a closed system, inside a very fine, hollow bone, you can see why it’s so difficult to implant anything inside it. 

Right now, any surgery is just going to damage the cochlea even further, instead of improving things. 

And just in case you think “But what about cochlear implants?” - These are called this because they connect to the cochlear nerve so they send messages directly to the brain. Nothing is implanted in the cochlea itself.

If there is no cure for hearing loss, what should I do?

We can’t cure the root cause of your hearing loss but we CAN treat the symptoms.

And it’s very important to treat these symptoms. 

Living with hearing loss is hard.

It makes communication difficult but it also makes you much more stressed, anxious and lonely. 

And all of these problems get worse over time. 

As the months and years go by, your friends and family will also start to subconsciously exclude you more and more, because communication has become so difficult.

So what are my options?

You really have 3 options: 

Option 1. Do Nothing

This is a very bad idea. You will throw away the end of your life as you withdraw from the world more and more.  

Option 2. Get a Prescription Hearing Aid From A Doctor

The biggest problem here is price. The average cost of a hearing aid is $4672. 

You will also have to pay all of the costs of doctors and audiologists on top of this. 

This is the main reason why almost 25 million Americans are currently living with untreated hearing loss

Option 3. Solve The Problem Yourself

There is now one, affordable solution to get clear hearing without needing a doctor. 

It’s called a Nebroo hearing aid?

What is a Nebroo hearing aid?

This is a small device that you place in your ear canal. 

Everything is contained in the device so there is no large case sitting behind your ear and this makes it almost invisible to the people you’re talking to. 

The Nebroo processes the sounds around you, improving the sound quality, before sending it down your ear canal. 

Even though you have lost many of your stereocilia, there are still many that are working normally. 

But a hearing aid must do more than just increase the volume of the sound around you.

How does Nebroo make it so easy to hear people talk?

The Nebroo contains a cutting edge microchip called Vox Humana.

It was designed and programmed so it does not just amplify, but improve the clarity of human speech.

This means that conversation become clear and stress-free

This helps you hear people speaking even with noise in the background

The Vox Humana chip enables you to become part of the conversation again.

So how much does it cost? 

This is the most impressive part of the Nebroo hearing aid. 

It was actually designed to be a high quality solution that every American could afford.

And by selling directly to you, so there are no middlemen taking a cut, Nebroo was able to slash the full retail cost to just $200

But that’s not what you have to pay. 

Right now there is a way to get the Nebroo for even less.

How do I purchase the Nebroo for under $100?

For the people on this page, there is a 50% sale running on the Nebroo right now 

If you try to buy from the homepage, the price is $200 so it’s important you only purchase by using the green buttons below. 

This 50% discount will bring the price you pay today to under $100.

Sarah Moore

“Incredible value”

Reviewed from Alabama on March 17, 2024

Verified Purchase

The wife spent about a year trying to get me to go to a doctor to fix my hearing as I was struggling with it, but I kept putting it off. I bought these Nebroo and didn’t think I’d use them that much but I have them in all day now and I forget they’re in there now. Honestly I feel like I wasted a year with bad hearing when I basically fixed it with $99. So guys (because I know this is what men do) I was an idiot for waiting, just fix it.

Bobby Sullivan

“I was an idiot for waiting”

Reviewed from New Jersey on June 22, 2024

Verified Purchase

The wife spent about a year trying to get me to go to a doctor to fix my hearing as I was struggling with it, but I kept putting it off. I bought these Nebroo and didn’t think I’d use them that much but I have them in all day now and I forget they’re in there now. Honestly I feel like I wasted a year with bad hearing when I basically fixed it with $99. So guys (because I know this is what men do) I was an idiot for waiting, just fix it.

Dan Lopez

“A friend of mine recommended it to me”

Reviewed from Colorado on August 14, 2024

Verified Purchase

A friend of mine told me about these nebroo, I have been struggling with hearing loss for over a decade, but never really did anything about it. But he was so happy with them that I had to try myself. Well, now it's been 3 months since I wear them everyday and I am very satisfied with them. Thank you, great product.

Nebroo are almost invisible when you wear them

The sleek design and color tone of the Nebroo make them very discrete.

We don’t think anyone should be embarrassed to wear a hearing aid but it also helps to not draw attention to it so you can just be yourself.

So just place them in your ear and go about your day.

They have a 20 hour battery life on each charge so no matter what your plans are, your Nebroo will let you do what you want and never think about your hearing loss .

Choose the perfect size for your ear

Every Nebroo comes with 8 pairs of silicon ear domes .

These domes attach easily to the tip of the hearing aid and allow you to find the perfect fit for your ear.

You can test different sizes to find the maximum level of comfort and sound quality.

  • Comfort all day
  • Fits even small ears
  • Won’t fall out

How do you order Nebroo with a 50% discount?

Because there are 28.8 million Americans with untreated hearing loss, Nebroo are trying to make this affordable for literally everyone.

So even though the retail price of the product is $200 , which is extremely cheap compared to the industry average of $4672, they wanted to do more.

Anyone who buys today through the link on this page can get a 50% discount, bringing the price to under $100

You won’t ever see a cheaper price for the Nebroo hearing aid,


We don’t think you’ll ever see a cheaper price for any hearing aid in the USA, that’s how good this deal is. 

You Have 120 Days to Test the Product, Completely Risk-Free!

A great product comes with great trust.

So you have a full 120 days to use the Nebroo in your everyday life and see just how much it improves your communication, your social life and your brain sharpness.

And if you’re not happy then you can send it back for a full refund at any point within those 120 days, no arguments or delays.

And to protect you even further…

Nebroo will give every purchase a FREE 1 YEAR WARRANTY

That means if you love your Nebroo and keep them after the 120 period, then you can get a free replacement if there is any damage or malfunction within the first year, at zero extra cost.

So this really is a RISK FREE OFFER

What to do next?

All you need to do it click the green button that says “GET 50% OFF Nebroo”

You’ll come to an order page where you can learn more about our hearing aid.

And then you can place your order and tell us where to ship your Nebroo.

Our customer service team are available 24/7 to help you with your order or to answer any questions. 

GET 50% OFF Nebroo Hearing Aids Now!

Remember why this matters

Fixing your hearing loss is much more important than just helping you hear

  1. It improves your relationships
  2. It stops you becoming isolated
  3. It helps your whole family
  4. It lets you do what you want without stress and anxiety

And now with such an affordable solution, with a completely risk free 120 guarantee, there is no reason not to try it.

Click the big green button to order your Nebroo with a 50% discount today.

GET 50% OFF Nebroo Hearing Aids Now!

Finally Get Your 

Hearing Back

➩ GET 50% OFF Nebroo NOW!

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Home > Hearing Loss > Root Cause

Why Did I Lose My Hearing and What Can I Do?

You want to know why your hearing has become so much worse over the last few years and what your options are. This article will explain the science of hearing loss and what you can do about it.

2,841 Ratings

By Devon Randall

November 27, 2024

You’ve already noticed that your poor hearing is making your life much more difficult.

And these are some of the most common ways it’s impacting your life: 

- You’re more stressed 

- You stay home more than you used to 

- You get frustrated or angry more easily 

- You feel lonely and isolated

- You watch all TV and online videos with captions

We know this because hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions that exists. Most people will lose some hearing as they age.

If it’s so common and creates so many problems, why haven’t we cured it?

In the last 20-30 years, we have found treatments for so many medical conditions.

Cancer survival rates are way up. 

We can get almost perfect eyesight with a simple laser surgery. 

There are scientists in the University of Washington who are working on regrowing enamel to restore our teeth. 

It’s truly amazing what we are able to do now. 

But not with hearing loss. It seems like when you lose your hearing, they just tell you “Sorry, it’s just part of getting old”. 

Are we really going to have a world in 10-20 years where seniors are walking around at 70 and 80 with perfect vision and perfect teeth but they still can’t hear?

First, you need to understand how your ears work.

The reason hearing loss is so difficult to cure is because of the way that your ears work. 

Sound travels into your ear canal as vibrations in the air. 

Those vibrations hit your eardrum, that’s like a sheet of skin, and it’s converted into movements in a series of tiny bones. 

These bones amplify the vibrations and send them into the cochlea, which is a hollow, spiral bone filled with fluid. 

So, to put it simply, your ear takes vibrations in the air and converts them into waves of fluid inside your cochlea. 

Then the final stage is that the walls of the cochlea are covered in hair cells with tiny filaments called stereocilia. 

As these stereocilia move around in the waves of fluid, that is converted into electrical signals that are sent to your brain to be processed as sound information.

So why do we lose hearing as we age?

The stereocilia are responsible for converting the sound into brain signals. And over time, these tiny filaments break and become damaged. 

But here’s the problem; they don’t regrow.

Unlike most other cells, they are not genetically programmed to regrow. 

So you just have less and less stereocilia over time which means your brain is getting less and less information. 

That’s why you lose your hearing as you get older. 

For some people, they lose less stereocilia so they are still able to hear fine. But for others, they lose more and they notice that they have hearing loss. That’s what has happened to you. 

This is mostly down to genetics but you can also do more damage to your ear through exposure to loud noises, as well as some drugs and toxins.

Why can’t we just make the stereocilia regrow?

One day, we will probably find a way to do this. 

There was some promising research in Harvard Medical School in 2023 that showed that they could use a very specific cocktail of drugs to make some ear cells divide and regenerate in mice. This is called gene therapy. 

But even though this is an exciting development, it’s much too early to know what this will lead to, or if it will even be possible to do the same for humans. 

So, it’s likely that any treatment like this is still decades away. It’s very unlikely to happen in our lifetime.

Using so-called “gene therapy” also needs years and years of careful testing to make sure that it’s safe.

Okay, so what about creating artificial stereocilia and implanting them?

The problem with any surgical solution is that everything happens inside the cochlea. 

And because the cochlea is a closed system, inside a very fine, hollow bone, you can see why it’s so difficult to implant anything inside it. 

Right now, any surgery is just going to damage the cochlea even further, instead of improving things. 

And just in case you think “But what about cochlear implants?” - These are called this because they connect to the cochlear nerve so they send messages directly to the brain. Nothing is implanted in the cochlea itself.

If there is no cure for hearing loss, what should I do?

We can’t cure the root cause of your hearing loss but we CAN treat the symptoms.

And it’s very important to treat these symptoms. 

Living with hearing loss is hard.

It makes communication difficult but it also makes you much more stressed, anxious and lonely. 

And all of these problems get worse over time. 

As the months and years go by, your friends and family will also start to subconsciously exclude you more and more, because communication has become so difficult.

So what are my options?

You really have 3 options: 

Option 1. Do Nothing

This is a very bad idea. You will throw away the end of your life as you withdraw from the world more and more.  

Option 2. Get a Prescription Hearing Aid From A Doctor

The biggest problem here is price. The average cost of a hearing aid is $4672. 

You will also have to pay all of the costs of doctors and audiologists on top of this. 

This is the main reason why almost 25 million Americans are currently living with untreated hearing loss

Option 3. Solve The Problem Yourself

There is now one, affordable solution to get clear hearing without needing a doctor. 

It’s called a Nebroo hearing aid?

What is a Nebroo hearing aid?

This is a small device that you place in your ear canal. 

Everything is contained in the device so there is no large case sitting behind your ear and this makes it almost invisible to the people you’re talking to. 

The Nebroo processes the sounds around you, improving the sound quality, before sending it down your ear canal. 

Even though you have lost many of your stereocilia, there are still many that are working normally. 

But a hearing aid must do more than just increase the volume of the sound around you.

How does Nebroo make it so easy to hear people talk?

The Nebroo contains a cutting edge microchip called Vox Humana.

It was designed and programmed so it does not just amplify, but improve the clarity of human speech.

This means that conversation become clear and stress-free

This helps you hear people speaking even with noise in the background

The Vox Humana chip enables you to become part of the conversation again.

So how much does it cost? 

This is the most impressive part of the Nebroo hearing aid. 

It was actually designed to be a high quality solution that every American could afford.

And by selling directly to you, so there are no middlemen taking a cut, Nebroo was able to slash the full retail cost to just $200

But that’s not what you have to pay. 

Right now there is a way to get the Nebroo for even less.

How do I purchase the Nebroo for under $100?

For the people on this page, there is a 50% sale running on the Nebroo right now 

If you try to buy from the homepage, the price is $200 so it’s important you only purchase by using the green buttons below. 

This 50% discount will bring the price you pay today to under $100.

Sarah Moore

“Incredible value”

Reviewed from Alabama on March 17, 2024

Verified Purchase

The wife spent about a year trying to get me to go to a doctor to fix my hearing as I was struggling with it, but I kept putting it off. I bought these Nebroo and didn’t think I’d use them that much but I have them in all day now and I forget they’re in there now. Honestly I feel like I wasted a year with bad hearing when I basically fixed it with $99. So guys (because I know this is what men do) I was an idiot for waiting, just fix it.

Bobby Sullivan

“I was an idiot for waiting”

Reviewed from New Jersey on June 22, 2024

Verified Purchase

The wife spent about a year trying to get me to go to a doctor to fix my hearing as I was struggling with it, but I kept putting it off. I bought these Nebroo and didn’t think I’d use them that much but I have them in all day now and I forget they’re in there now. Honestly I feel like I wasted a year with bad hearing when I basically fixed it with $99. So guys (because I know this is what men do) I was an idiot for waiting, just fix it.

Dan Lopez

“A friend of mine recommended it to me”

Reviewed from Colorado on August 14, 2024

Verified Purchase

A friend of mine told me about these nebroo, I have been struggling with hearing loss for over a decade, but never really did anything about it. But he was so happy with them that I had to try myself. Well, now it's been 3 months since I wear them everyday and I am very satisfied with them. Thank you, great product.

Nebroo are almost invisible when you wear them

The sleek design and color tone of the Nebroo make them very discrete.

We don’t think anyone should be embarrassed to wear a hearing aid but it also helps to not draw attention to it so you can just be yourself.

So just place them in your ear and go about your day.

They have a 20 hour battery life on each charge so no matter what your plans are, your Nebroo will let you do what you want and never think about your hearing loss .

Choose the perfect size for your ear

Every Nebroo comes with 8 pairs of silicon ear domes .

These domes attach easily to the tip of the hearing aid and allow you to find the perfect fit for your ear.

You can test different sizes to find the maximum level of comfort and sound quality.

  • Comfort all day
  • Fits even small ears
  • Won’t fall out

How do you order Nebroo with a 50% discount?

Because there are 28.8 million Americans with untreated hearing loss, Nebroo are trying to make this affordable for literally everyone.

So even though the retail price of the product is $200 , which is extremely cheap compared to the industry average of $4672, they wanted to do more.

Anyone who buys today through the link on this page can get a 50% discount, bringing the price to under $100

You won’t ever see a cheaper price for the Nebroo hearing aid,


We don’t think you’ll ever see a cheaper price for any hearing aid in the USA, that’s how good this deal is. 

You Have 120 Days to Test the Product, Completely Risk-Free!

A great product comes with great trust.

So you have a full 120 days to use the Nebroo in your everyday life and see just how much it improves your communication, your social life and your brain sharpness.

And if you’re not happy then you can send it back for a full refund at any point within those 120 days, no arguments or delays.

And to protect you even further…

Nebroo will give every purchase a FREE 1 YEAR WARRANTY

That means if you love your Nebroo and keep them after the 120 period, then you can get a free replacement if there is any damage or malfunction within the first year, at zero extra cost.

So this really is a RISK FREE OFFER

What to do next?

All you need to do it click the green button that says “GET 50% OFF Nebroo”

You’ll come to an order page where you can learn more about our hearing aid.

And then you can place your order and tell us where to ship your Nebroo.

Our customer service team are available 24/7 to help you with your order or to answer any questions. 

GET 50% OFF Nebroo Hearing Aids Now!

Remember why this matters

Fixing your hearing loss is much more important than just helping you hear

  1. It improves your relationships
  2. It stops you becoming isolated
  3. It helps your whole family
  4. It lets you do what you want without stress and anxiety

And now with such an affordable solution, with a completely risk free 120 guarantee, there is no reason not to try it.

Click the big green button to order your Nebroo with a 50% discount today.

GET 50% OFF Nebroo Hearing Aids Now!


Add a comment...

Barbara Miller

If it truly lets me understand conversations in noisy places, sign me up! I hate to ask friends to repeat themselves, it is really annoying.

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Richard Wilson

This is giving me so much hope! Dinner wit family after a long day have become a struggle lately. Nebroo helped me hear them clearly again, like in the good old days

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Doug Johnson

Ugh, noisy restaurants are the worst! I always have to ask my wife to repeat herself. If Nebroo can truly help make conversations clear, I'm sold!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Betty Martinez

I hear you! Noisy restaurants can be so frustrating. Nebroo has been a game-changer for me in those situations. I can actually hear conversations clearly now. It's been a lifesaver!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Lionel Beckett

I hate to constantly ask little Jonas to repeat what he says, I am really scared that he will stop talking to me…I really want to try them out hopefully they will help, I can’t afford to pay for the hearing aids my audiologist recommended

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Mark Owens

This Nebroo Hearing stuff sounds promising, but I'd love to hear from people who've actually tried it. Anyone have any experience?

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Rowena Barron

I've tried these and it's been amazing for me. The sound quality is great and they are so easy to use. Plus the battery charge lasts for more than a whole day. Highly recommend giving it a try!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Cecelia Pruitt

Comfort is key! Hoping Nebroo is comfortable for long-term wear.

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Lucille Langley

Anyone else worried about battery life with these Nebroo? Don't want them dying in the middle of a conversation!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Sharon Harper

I was worried too, but Nebroo's battery life is actually really impressive! Mine lasts all day without any issues, even with constant use.

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Zelda Montgomery

No need to worry! Battery life is great. Mine lasts all day without any problems!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Curtis Reynolds

Nebroo's device has been a revelation for me, providing a clear and crisp sound experience.

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Winston HarperI never thought I'd hear clearly again, but Nebroo's device proved me wrong! It's like rediscovering the world.

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Franklin Monroe

Thought it was too good to be true, but Nebroo's device has me convinced. Ordering today!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Marcella Hastings

Thinking about trying Nebroo but have questions? Do they work well? Fire away!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Gwendolyn McPherson

I tried Nebroo hearing aids and it's been amazing! They work very well, and the customer service was also very helpful, they answered every question that I had quickly. Highly recommend!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Desmond Vaughn

Thank you, mine arrived today, it works very well for now

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min


Add a comment...

Barbara Miller

If it truly lets me understand conversations in noisy places, sign me up! I hate to ask friends to repeat themselves, it is really annoying.

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Richard Wilson

This is giving me so much hope! Dinner wit family after a long day have become a struggle lately. Nebroo helped me hear them clearly again, like in the good old days

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Doug Johnson

Ugh, noisy restaurants are the worst! I always have to ask my wife to repeat herself. If Nebroo can truly help make conversations clear, I'm sold!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Betty Martinez

I hear you! Noisy restaurants can be so frustrating. Nebroo has been a game-changer for me in those situations. I can actually hear conversations clearly now. It's been a lifesaver!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Lionel Beckett

I hate to constantly ask little Jonas to repeat what he says, I am really scared that he will stop talking to me…I really want to try them out hopefully they will help, I can’t afford to pay for the hearing aids my audiologist recommended

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Mark Owens

This Nebroo Hearing stuff sounds promising, but I'd love to hear from people who've actually tried it. Anyone have any experience?

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Rowena Barron

I've tried these and it's been amazing for me. The sound quality is great and they are so easy to use. Plus the battery charge lasts for more than a whole day. Highly recommend giving it a try!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Cecelia Pruitt

Comfort is key! Hoping Nebroo is comfortable for long-term wear.

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Lucille Langley

Anyone else worried about battery life with these Nebroo? Don't want them dying in the middle of a conversation!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Sharon Harper

I was worried too, but Nebroo's battery life is actually really impressive! Mine lasts all day without any issues, even with constant use.

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Zelda Montgomery

No need to worry! Battery life is great. Mine lasts all day without any problems!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Curtis Reynolds

Nebroo's device has been a revelation for me, providing a clear and crisp sound experience.

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Winston HarperI never thought I'd hear clearly again, but Nebroo's device proved me wrong! It's like rediscovering the world.

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Franklin Monroe

Thought it was too good to be true, but Nebroo's device has me convinced. Ordering today!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Marcella Hastings

Thinking about trying Nebroo but have questions? Do they work well? Fire away!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Gwendolyn McPherson

I tried Nebroo hearing aids and it's been amazing! They work very well, and the customer service was also very helpful, they answered every question that I had quickly. Highly recommend!

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

Desmond Vaughn

Thank you, mine arrived today, it works very well for now

· Reply ·  4 · 39 min

MEDICAL & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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1768, 701 Tillery Street Unit 12, Austin, TX, Travis, US, 78702

MEDICAL & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

© 2024 All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy -Terms of Service

1768, 701 Tillery Street Unit 12, Austin, TX, Travis, US, 78702

GET 50% OFF Nebroo Hearing Aids Now!